Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Anjum Anand - Popularizing Vegetarian and Vegan Food in England

Anjum Anand is a popular T.V. Chef and Food Writer from England. Brits crave Indian food, and Anjum Anand shows that Indian dishes are easy to cook through her Television series, Indian Food Made Easy.

Anjum Anand is passionate about Indian food. Anjum Anand is not a vegan, but her recipe books and websites are loaded with delicious vegan recipes from Indian cuisine. Anjum Anand is the author of 8 cookbooks, including Indian Vegetarian Feast. Every day, Anjum Anand cooks simple and nutritious vegetarian or vegan dishes for her family.

Today, I read an interesting article - Top 10 Tips for Indian and Vegan Cooking by Anjum Anand

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